Anthropogenic bottom-up and top-down impacts on boreal breeding waterbirds. (2024)
Ecology and Evolution 14: e11136. Holopainen, S., Jaatinen, K., Laaksonen, T., Lindén, A., Nummi, P., Piha, M., Pöysä, H., Toivanen, T., Väänänen, V-M., Alhainen, M., Lehikoinen, A.
Optimized PCR assays for detecting elusive waterfowl from environmental DNA. (2024)
Ecology and Evolution 14: 11224. Honka, J., Kvist, L., Olli, S., Laaksonen, T., Aspi, J.
Forest habitat loss and human land use alter predation of artificial ground nests. (2024)
Forest Ecology and Management 561: 12858. Holopainen, S., Selonen, V., Krüger, H., Kotanen, J., Laaksonen, T., Miettinen, E., Nurmi, A., Uusihakala, L., Väänänen, V-M.
Diet of the raccoon dog, an invasive mesopredator, during the breeding season of declining waterbird populations. (2024)
Global Ecology and Conservation 52: e02917. Tuomikoski, E., Selonen, V., Merimaa, K., Laaksonen, T. 2024.
Reduced survival in a soaring bird breeding in wind turbine proximity along the northern Baltic Sea coast. (2024)
Biological Conservation, in press. Nebel, C., Stjernberg, T., Tikkanen, H., Laaksonen, T.
Large-scale genotypic identification reveals density-dependent natal dispersal patterns in an elusive bird of prey. (2024)
Movement Ecology journal. Penttinen, I., Nebel, C., Stjernberg, T., Kvist, L., Ponnikas, S., Laaksonen, T.
Early-life diet specificity is associated with long-lasting differences in apparent survival in a generalist predator. (2023)
Journal of Animal Ecology. Nebel, C., Ekblad, C., Balotari-Chiebao, F., Penttinen, I., Stjernberg, T., Laaksonen, T.
Passive acoustic survey reveals the abundance of a low-density predator and its dependency on mature forests. (2023)
Landscape Ecology. Baroni, D., Hanzelka, J., Raimondi, T., Gamba, M., Brommer, J., Laaksonen, T.
Cavity-breeding birds create specific microhabitats for diverse arthropod communities in boreal forests. (2023)
Biodiversity and Conservation. Hanzelka, J., Baroni, D., Martikainen, P., Eeva, T., Laaksonen, T.
Occupancy rates of excavated cavities and nest boxes in managed boreal forest in relation to forest structure. (2023)
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Hanzelka, J., Baroni, D., Laaksonen, T.
Amidst the flyway: co-designing accommodation fields for the barnacle goose in south-eastern Finland. (2023)
Chapter 21 in Handbook of Transdisciplinarity: Global Perspectives (ed. Roderick J. Lawrence). Hiedanpää, J., Salo, M., Jokinen, M., Pellikka, J., Store, R., Laaksonen, T., Pirinen, M., Heim, W., Piironen, A., Mikander, N., Lohilahti, H., Forsman, J. T.
A gradual migratory divide determines not only the direction of migration but also migration strategy of a social migrant bird. (2023)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. Piironen, A., Laaksonen, T.
Species-specific song responses emerge as a by-product of tuning to the local dialect (2022)
Current Biology (early view). Wheatcroft D, Bliard L, El Harouchi M, López-Idiáquez D, Kärkkäinen T, Kraft F-L, Muriel J, Rajan S, Tuvillo T, Burgess MD, Cantarero A, Laaksonen T, Martínez-Padilla J, Visser ME, Qvarnström A.
Protecting prey by deceiving predators: A field experiment testing chemical camouflage and conditioned food aversion (2022)
Biological Conservation. Selonen V, Banks PB, Tobajas J, Laaksonen T.
Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human-wildlife conflict (2022)
Journal of Applied Ecology (early view). Heim W, Piironen A, Heim RJ, Piha M, Seimola T, Forsman JT, Laaksonen T.
When and where to count? Implications of migratory connectivity and non-breeding distribution to population censuses in a migratory bird population (2022)
Population Ecology (early view). Piironen A, Fox AD, Kampe-Persson H, Skyllberg U, Therkildsen OR & Laaksonen T.
Invasive species control with apex predators: increasing presence of wolves is associated with reduced occurrence of the alien raccoon dog (2022)
Biological Invasions. Selonen V, Brommer JE, Holopainen S, Kauhala K, Krüger H, Poutanen J, Väänänen VM, Laaksonen T.
More wood but less biodiversity in forests in Finland: a historical evaluation (2022)
Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica. Mönkkönen M, Aakala T, Blattert C, Burgas D, Duflot R, Eyvindson K, Kouki J, Laaksonen T, Punttila P.
A rapid increase of large-sized waterfowl does not explain the population declines of small-sized waterbird at their breeding sites (2022)
Global Ecology and Conservation. Holopainen Sari, Čehovská Markéta, Jaatinen Kim, Laaksonen Toni, Lindén Andreas, Nummi Petri, Piha Markus, Pöysä Hannu, Toivanen Tero, Väänänen Veli-Matti, Lehikoinen Aleksi.
Predicting spatio-temporal distributions of migratory populations using Gaussian process modelling (2022)
Journal of Applied Ecology. Piironen Antti, Piironen Juho, Laaksonen Toni.
Trophic Dynamics of Mercury in the Baltic Archipelago Sea Food Web: The Impact of Ecological and Ecophysiological Traits (2022)
Environmental Science and Technology. Vainio Riikka K, Jormalainen Veijo, Dietz Rune, Laaksonen Toni, Schulz Ralf, Sonne Christian, Søndergaard Jens, Zubrod Jochen P, Eulaers Igor.
Editorial: Determinants and Consequences of Perceived Predation Risk: From Individual Behavior to Transgenerational Effects (2022)
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Morosinotto Chiara, Banks Peter, Laaksonen Toni, Terraube Julien.
Maternally transferred thyroid hormones and life-history variation in birds (2022)
Journal of Animal Ecology. Hsu Bin-Yan, Pakanen Veli-Matti, Boner Winnie, Doligez Blandine, Eeva Tapio, Groothuis Ton GG, Korpimäki Erkki, Laaksonen Toni, Lelono Asmoro, Monaghan Pat, Sarraude Tom, Thomson Robert L, Tolvanen Jere, Tschirren Barbara, Vásquez Rodrigo A, Ruuskanen Suvi.
Population differences in the length and early-life dynamics of telomeres among European pied flycatchers (in press)
Molecular Ecology. Kärkkäinen T, Laaksonen T, Burgess M, Cantarero A, Martínez-Padilla J, Potti J, Moreno J, Thomson RL, Tilgar V, Stier A.
Within-individual repeatability in telomere length: a meta-analysis in non-mammalian vertebrates (in press)
Molecular Ecology. Kärkkäinen T, Briga M, Laaksonen T & Stier A.
Major population splits coincide with episodes of rapid climate change in a forest-dependent bird (2021)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. Warmuth V. M. Burgess MD, Laaksonen T, Manica A, Mägi M, Nord A, Primmer CR, Sætre G-P, Winkel W, Ellegren H. 2021.
The Indo-European flyway: Opportunities and constraints reflected by Common Rosefinches breeding across Europe (2021)
Journal of Biogeography. Lisovski S, Neumann R, Albrecht T, Munclinger P, Ahola MP, Bauer S, Cepak J, Fransson T, Jakobsson S, Jaakkonen T, Klvana P, Kullberg C, Laaksonen T, Metzger B, Piha M, Shurulinkov P, Stach R, Strom K, Velmala W, Briedis M.
Birds of three worlds: moult migration to high Arctic expands a boreal-temperate flyway to a third biome (2021)
Movement Ecology. Piironen Antti, Paasivaara Antti, Laaksonen Toni
Distribution patterns of the native Eurasian and non-native American beaver in Finland – possible factors affecting the slow range expansion of the native species (2021)
Mammalian Biology. Alakoski Riikka, Kauhala Kaarina, Selonen Vesa.
Spatial and dietary sources of elevated mercury exposure in white-tailed eagle nestlings in an Arctic freshwater environment (2021)
Environmental Pollution. Ekblad Camilla, Eulaers Igor, Schulz Ralf, Stjernberg Torsten, Søndergaard Jens, Zubrod Jochen, Laaksonen Toni.
Identifying the paths of climate effects on population dynamics: dynamic and multilevel structural equation model around the annual cycle (2021)
Oecologia. Selonen V, Helle S, Laaksonen T, Ahola MP, Lehikoinen E, Eeva T.
Habitat choice of a secondary cavity user indicates higher avoidance of disturbed habitat during breeding than during food-hoarding (2021)
Forest Ecology and Management. Baroni Daniele, Masoero Giulia, Korpimäki Erkki, Morosinotto Chiara, Laaksonen Toni.
Habitat use by post-fledging white-tailed eagles shows avoidance of human infrastructure and agricultural areas (2021)
European Journal of Wildlife Research. Balotari-Chiebao Fabio, Brommer Jon E, Tikkanen Hannu, Laaksonen Toni.
Interplays between pre- and post-natal environments affect early-life mortality, body mass and telomere dynamics in the wild (2021)
Journal of Experimental Biology. Kärkkäinen T, Teerikorpi P, Schuett W, Stier A, Laaksonen T.